Saturday, December 30, 2023

An Orange from a Lime Tree

 Each morning, after getting myself ready for the day, I have two devotionals I read from. One is a book of Bible verses, and the other is a daily devotional. The devotional begins with a Bible verse, and then someone expands upon it in about three or four paragraphs. Some are better than others. 

I’ve been reading these same two books for years now. When finished, I simply turn to the first page and begin again. Some I remember well, while others I forget because they didn’t touch me. 

I recently read a meaningful passage from this same devotional. I remembered it as soon as I began reading the first sentence. It came from Dr. Clayton Cloer of Orlando, Florida. It’s the kind of message that sticks to your heart, so I thought I would share part of his message with you. Dr. Cloer wrote:

In 2003, I was called to be the pastor of the Church at the Cross in Orlando. A new friend I made after arriving, Bill, came to my house and planted an orange tree in my backyard as a gift. He told me that in three years we would have oranges. In 2006, I wanted to pick the oranges, but they stayed green most of the year. Finally, a few turned semi-orange, so I picked them and winced as I tasted the sourest flavor. Bill came out to see if the tree had a bitter root- only to discover that he had not planted an orange tree but a lime tree by mistake.

I have news for you. It does not matter how long you wait for oranges from a lime tree: it will never produce oranges. The fruit revealed the root. I had expected oranges, but the tree would never have the ability to produce them.

When you hear bad words out of a person, then you have a bad root. Listen to people and discern their hearts by the words that they speak. Things do not change: they only get revealed … What is in the well comes up in the bucket …

What is in the well comes up in the bucket.

I have long believed that words and actions reveal the character of a person. One just needs to look at the present political culture to figure that out. We get who we vote for, and if we don’t vote, we get who everyone else votes for. 

I think as parents and as mentors and role models for children and young adults, we owe them our best. Our best words and our best actions. We owe them genuineness. What isn’t said or done out of love and compassion, caring and concern, should not be said or done.

And, if we say words, we need to live those words each and every day. I believe in the axiom that actions speak louder than words. But if someone spews hate and if someone seeks to divide instead of unite, BELIEVE them. They are who they are. Don’t expect an orange from a lime tree. Something to think about …

Live Your Life, and Make A Difference!

To My Readers:  

If you like what you’re reading and find a benefit from it, you can check out my other posts at under the Inspirational Blog tab. 

And if you’re curious, you can check out my nine books on the same site. I’ve won nearly twenty awards, and I write in the thriller-crime-mystery genre, but with a coming-of-age thread in each. My latest book, Fan Mail, just won a 2023 Silver Book Award and a Recommended Read Award, and was featured as Author of the Month from Reader’s Favorites.

If you are an author or writer, veteran or beginner, check out my Author’s Blog tab on the same site. There you will find tips on writing, interviews with other authors, and excerpts from my own books. If you want to get a hold of me, use the Contact tab

I hope you check it out. Again, my writing can be found at 

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Dr. Cloer’s message is from Grace, Hope and Love, My Daily Devotional.

Photo Courtesy of Amy Lynn Grover and Unsplash.




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