Sunday, December 22, 2024



I get nostalgic from time to time, especially so during the holidays of Christmas and New Year. It’s as inevitable as breathing. Kim and I decorated the house, and we decorated the tree. The ornaments are special to us, bringing with them memories of our life before kids, our life with kids, and even some memories before Kim and I married.

One ornament brought me to tears. Not that I’m afraid or too proud to weep in front of people, but I was happy I had that moment alone. I savored it. Last year, I had ornaments made for Kim, and for Hannah and Emily. Each has a picture of our son, Wil, who passed away tragically in 2014. Each ornament is specific. One is Kim with Wil at his wedding. The one for Hannah had her with Wil sharing a special moment with him, and the same for Emily. The caption on each ornament is the same: “I am always with you.” I tear up even writing this.

But there are other memories, too. I think of my sister, Betty, now deceased. We shared so many Christmases together with her husband, Jim, and with their child, Nadine- before I was married, after I was married, and with our kids. There is a special dessert made with chocolate and graham crackers, we named after her- Betty Bars. The recipe passed from Betty to Kim, and now to Hannah and Emily. 

I remember all of us going to midnight mass at Holy Angels. The full choir singing carols along with the various parts of the mass. The priests in their colorful garments, the smell of incense. Candles lit. Stained glass windows shining down at us, even at that late hour.

I remember as a kid, lining up on the stairs in the big old house on the river- the older kids at the top, youngest at the bottom. All of us dressed in pjs and slippers, waiting for dad and mom to call us down to open presents. The lights on the tree would be on, and piles of presents were all wrapped in colorful paper under it. 

I remember the Christmas meal. Sometimes ham, sometimes turkey- whatever our parents could afford. Mashed potatoes and gravy. Homemade rolls. Cranberries. Desserts. Oh, the wonderful desserts we had. So many sitting at the table, we had to use sawbucks with boards across them to accommodate all ten of us, and even more if my older sisters brought their husbands.

On nights preceding Christmas, my dad and mom would pile us in the green Plymouth station wagon and off we’d go looking at the displays of lights on houses. Instead of listening to the AM radio, we’d sing as a family in three and four part harmony. Being one of the youngest, I was expected to sing high harmony, and dang, I better have gotten it right or I’d hear about it, sometimes with an elbow to the ribs or a smack on my thigh. And after we tired of looking at lights, my dad always found his way to the A & W Root Beer for ice cream floats for all of us. 

I think my memories, as a kid, as a young adult, as a dad, and now as grandpa are important, but all the memories are rooted in happiness and joy, in family.

I don’t know what your customs are or your memories are at this time of year, but I hope and pray they are joyful for you. I hope they bring a smile to your face, and perhaps a wistful sigh, and maybe a tear. A joyful one. I hope you embrace them as much as you do living them. And I pray you never forget them. Mostly, I hope you take the time to be happy, to rest, to breathe. 

May each of you find peace and joy in the midst of any uncertainty we might face in our future. And for those of you who read this blog faithfully, I hope each post brings you reflection, a pause, and a smile.

And for those of you who have read my fiction, I thank you. Sincerely, I thank you. I hope you enjoy the stories found between the covers- not only the mystery with its twists and turns, but the drama of my fictional Evans family. 

Thanks for following along. From my family to yours, God Bless. Merry Christmas and please have the best New Year possible.

Live Your Life, and Make A Difference!

For My Readers:  

If you like what you’re reading and find a benefit from it, you can check out my other posts on my Website at under the Inspirational Blog tab. You can find all nine books, their descriptions, and links for purchase at the same site. 

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Black Yéʼii (The Evil One) is available for preorder at If you purchase Black Yéʼii (The Evil One) prior to the publication date of January 2, 2025, use the promo code: PREORDER2024 to receive a 15% discount.

Just in time for Christmas, Fan Mail is now available in Audible format, as well as Paperback and Kindle. You can find it here: