Saturday, January 18, 2025

Keepsakes and Memories

My sister, Kathy, sent me this from my niece, Annie. Annie’s father, my brother-in-law, passed away this past September, and one year previous to this, Annie’s mother, my sister, passed away. Annie described it as “being homeless.” No anchor. 

With the last hurricane that blasted Florida, Annie lost her home. Nearly everything was lost, damaged, or broken. Needless to say, this has been an extremely tough two years on her and her two sisters and brother. 

“Homeless.” No anchor. 

Annie posted this on Facebook, and I decided to bring it to you on my blog, because it encapsulates what many of have gone through, or will go through, upon the passing of a mom or dad or older sibling.

Again, this is not my own, nor is it Annies. She found it and posted it just as it is, and I am posting it just as it is. It comes from Melissa Vaughan …

A friend posted this writing today, and it struck me that someday EVERYONE will go thru this discarding of “things” that are the memories of one’s life. Sometimes it’s our own and more often it’s the life of someone we love ... ❤️

When my mom was cleaning out her house over 23 years ago to sell it, I wasn’t very sympathetic over her attachments to things. I would go over on weekends to help her and we would go through things, things for a yard sale, things to donate, things to throw away. I would usually get upset over how long it was taking her to decide. For instance, we were going through kitchen cabinets and she spent 20 minutes looking at an iron kettle with a lid. Finally I said, “Mom, at this rate, it is going to take us another 2 years.” 

She told me that her mother used to make meals in that kettle and leave them at doorsteps of neighbors during the depression, mom would deliver them, and then they would reappear back to her with an apron, or a wood carving, something in return for the meal. I realized that everything that my mom was going through was really a reliving of her life.

If you are reading this and are under the age of 60, you won’t get it. You haven’t lived long enough. Most of you have not had to move your parents into a nursing home, or emptied their home. You haven’t lived long enough to realize that the hours you spend picking out the right cabinets, or the perfect tile will not be what matters in the later years. It will be the handmade toothbrush holder, or a picture that you got on vacation. 

So, if your parents are downsizing, and moving to smaller places, or selling a home, give your mom and even your dad a break. Those things that you don’t understand why they can’t just pitch, and why you think you know what needs to be tossed or saved, give them a little time to make their decisions. They are saying goodbye to their past and realizing that they are getting ready for their end of life while you are beginning your life.

As I have been going through things, it’s amazing just how hard it is to get rid of objects. But, life goes on, and you realize they are just things, but sometimes things comfort us. So give your parents or grandparents a break. Listen to their stories, because in 40 years, when you are going through those boxes and the memories come back, it will be hard to get rid of those plastic champagne flutes that you and your late husband used at a New Year party 40 years ago. You will think nothing of the tile or the light fixtures that were so important then.

As happy as they are for you, and as much as they love you, you just don’t have a clue until it happens to you and then you will remember how you rushed them, and it will make you sad, especially if they are already gone and you can’t say I’m sorry, I didn’t get it.

~ Original Post Melissa Vaughan 

I hope this post causes you to think and to reminisce in a good way. I know I did.

I didn’t have to clean out the house when dad moved to a nursing home. After he passed away, I didn’t have to clean out his room. My sister did that. When my mom moved to a nursing home, my two sisters cleaned out her condo. They carefully left small piles of keepsakes for each of us sons and daughters to take. I didn’t see them struggle, and I didn’t see them weep, though I know they did. I know when I walked through that home for the last time, I wept.

My memories were both good and bad. Some of my doing, while some were done to me. It happens because we’re human and we’re not perfect.

I only hope that when I pass and when Kim moves on, she and my daughters will have fond memories of my keepsakes, the things I treasured and those things that meant something to me. I hope they realize that what meant the most to me was their love and companionship. I think we all want that, don’t we? Something to think about …

Live Your Life, and Make A Difference!

For My Readers:  

If you like what you’re reading and find a benefit from it, you can check out my other posts on my Website at under the Inspirational Blog tab. You can find all nine books, their descriptions, and links for purchase at the same site. 

Please Connect with Me on Social Media: 




TikTok @josephlewis5566  (until it goes away, if it goes away)


Black Yéʼii (The Evil One) is now available in paperback and Kindle. Plans are being made to bring it to you in Audible. You can find it here:

Amazon Link:

Barnes & Noble Link:

I also want to remind you that Fan Mail is now available in Audible format, as well as Paperback and Kindle. You can find it here: 



Sunday, December 22, 2024



I get nostalgic from time to time, especially so during the holidays of Christmas and New Year. It’s as inevitable as breathing. Kim and I decorated the house, and we decorated the tree. The ornaments are special to us, bringing with them memories of our life before kids, our life with kids, and even some memories before Kim and I married.

One ornament brought me to tears. Not that I’m afraid or too proud to weep in front of people, but I was happy I had that moment alone. I savored it. Last year, I had ornaments made for Kim, and for Hannah and Emily. Each has a picture of our son, Wil, who passed away tragically in 2014. Each ornament is specific. One is Kim with Wil at his wedding. The one for Hannah had her with Wil sharing a special moment with him, and the same for Emily. The caption on each ornament is the same: “I am always with you.” I tear up even writing this.

But there are other memories, too. I think of my sister, Betty, now deceased. We shared so many Christmases together with her husband, Jim, and with their child, Nadine- before I was married, after I was married, and with our kids. There is a special dessert made with chocolate and graham crackers, we named after her- Betty Bars. The recipe passed from Betty to Kim, and now to Hannah and Emily. 

I remember all of us going to midnight mass at Holy Angels. The full choir singing carols along with the various parts of the mass. The priests in their colorful garments, the smell of incense. Candles lit. Stained glass windows shining down at us, even at that late hour.

I remember as a kid, lining up on the stairs in the big old house on the river- the older kids at the top, youngest at the bottom. All of us dressed in pjs and slippers, waiting for dad and mom to call us down to open presents. The lights on the tree would be on, and piles of presents were all wrapped in colorful paper under it. 

I remember the Christmas meal. Sometimes ham, sometimes turkey- whatever our parents could afford. Mashed potatoes and gravy. Homemade rolls. Cranberries. Desserts. Oh, the wonderful desserts we had. So many sitting at the table, we had to use sawbucks with boards across them to accommodate all ten of us, and even more if my older sisters brought their husbands.

On nights preceding Christmas, my dad and mom would pile us in the green Plymouth station wagon and off we’d go looking at the displays of lights on houses. Instead of listening to the AM radio, we’d sing as a family in three and four part harmony. Being one of the youngest, I was expected to sing high harmony, and dang, I better have gotten it right or I’d hear about it, sometimes with an elbow to the ribs or a smack on my thigh. And after we tired of looking at lights, my dad always found his way to the A & W Root Beer for ice cream floats for all of us. 

I think my memories, as a kid, as a young adult, as a dad, and now as grandpa are important, but all the memories are rooted in happiness and joy, in family.

I don’t know what your customs are or your memories are at this time of year, but I hope and pray they are joyful for you. I hope they bring a smile to your face, and perhaps a wistful sigh, and maybe a tear. A joyful one. I hope you embrace them as much as you do living them. And I pray you never forget them. Mostly, I hope you take the time to be happy, to rest, to breathe. 

May each of you find peace and joy in the midst of any uncertainty we might face in our future. And for those of you who read this blog faithfully, I hope each post brings you reflection, a pause, and a smile.

And for those of you who have read my fiction, I thank you. Sincerely, I thank you. I hope you enjoy the stories found between the covers- not only the mystery with its twists and turns, but the drama of my fictional Evans family. 

Thanks for following along. From my family to yours, God Bless. Merry Christmas and please have the best New Year possible.

Live Your Life, and Make A Difference!

For My Readers:  

If you like what you’re reading and find a benefit from it, you can check out my other posts on my Website at under the Inspirational Blog tab. You can find all nine books, their descriptions, and links for purchase at the same site. 

Please Connect with Me on Social Media: 



TikTok @josephlewis5566  


Black Yéʼii (The Evil One) is available for preorder at If you purchase Black Yéʼii (The Evil One) prior to the publication date of January 2, 2025, use the promo code: PREORDER2024 to receive a 15% discount.

Just in time for Christmas, Fan Mail is now available in Audible format, as well as Paperback and Kindle. You can find it here: 


Friday, October 25, 2024

A Morning Drive

It’s my day off, and I decided to drive to a country store about forty-five minutes from my house. The drive and spending the time to and from was worth it. 

Fall colors surrounded me. Some trees are still green, but there were plenty of amber, gold, and rust mixed in, all against a blue cloudless sky. Minimal traffic to contend with. My Spotify playlist moderately loud, giving me something to sing along with as I drove. 

Sheep, goats, and a horse shared a mid-morning snack in a field, heads down, ignoring me as I sped by. Not really speeding. Keeping it a mile or two under or over the limit, getting in no one’s way. No cares, no worries. Nothing on my mind, except for working on a tricky plot of the book I’m writing. Gritty like the others penned in my name. Another thriller with a coming-of-age thread. A mystery to solve. But even with that, I wasn’t so preoccupied that I missed out on the scenery, the relaxing drive, the time away. 

I spent much less time in the store than I spent getting to and from it. Picked up three different kinds of cookies- I’ve never met a cookie I didn’t enjoy. Picked up two different small loaves of flavored bread, some dark chocolate peanuts and some chocolate covered buckeyes. Yeah, I have a sweet tooth. 

But it wasn’t so much what I bought and brought home. It was the relatively short, but relaxing trip. The quiet, except for the music. Whatever stress I had- not feeling much these days, I had, seeped out of me. With a Diet Coke to sip on, I think I was almost in heaven.

Small towns, burgs, really, dotted my way. Worn out, a bit tattered. Nothing large or big. Various road crews doing their thing- mowing, digging, turning dirt. Their bright yellow or orange vests and helmets catching my eye.

A few political signs here and there. Most were for the guy I wouldn’t vote for if a gun was placed against my head. No, I prefer my president to not be a criminal, a fraud, a liar. Their choice, I guess. As I said, not mine. Not in a million and one years.

Back home, sitting at my kitchen table with my golden at my feet to keep my company. Writing my thoughts down. In no hurry to do so. Just wanting to get it down to capture my brief morning. 

I think we all need a drive in the country in the fall, with music blaring loudly to ease our minds from time to time. To relax and take it easy. To not let stress tear us apart and do us harm. Breathe in the country air through the open window. Noticing the birds in flight overhead, a squirrel scurrying across the road out of harm’s way. Nothing much to think about. Nothing much to care about. Free and easy as we go, right? A moment or two out of the rush. Stepping off life’s treadmill to take a break. A needed time to breathe, to exhale, to recharge. Needed! Something to think about …

Live Your Life, and Make A Difference! 

For My Readers:  

If you like what you’re reading and find a benefit from it, you can check out my other posts on my Website at under the Inspirational Blog tab. You can find all nine books, their descriptions, and links for purchase at the same site. 

Pleases Connect with Me on Social Media: 



Author Blog

TikTok @josephlewis5566  

Tribal @jrauthor85  


Black Yéʼii (The Evil One) is available for preorder NOW and ONLY at If you purchase Black Yéʼii (The Evil One) prior to the publication date of January 2, 2025, use the promo code: PREORDER2024 to receive a 15% discount. 

For those of you who are interested in receiving a signed copy of Black Yéʼii (The Evil One) or any of my other books, I will have author copies to sell and sign at the Following Upcoming Events: 

Porter Branch Library on Saturday, Nov. 9 from 10:30 AM to 1:30 PM at 2001 Parkway Blvd. Stafford, Virginia. 

Salem Church Library on Saturday, Dec. 7 from 10:30 AM to 1:30 PM at 2607 Salem Church Rd. Fredericksburg, Virginia.

Howell Branch Library on Saturday, Dec. 14 from 10:30 AM to 1:30 PM at 806 Lyons Blvd. Fredericksburg, Virginia.

Or, simply message me and I will get a signed copy to you. 

Intro Photo by Simon Berger and Unsplash

Book Cover Photo by David King and Black Rose Writing



Friday, October 4, 2024


This past Saturday, my wife and other family members attended a celebration of life for my brother-in-law who passed away about one year after his wife, my sister Mary. It was a small gathering of friends and family, and I’ve been thinking about it ever since.

Three of his children, now grown ups and successful in their own right, spoke. They spoke of lessons learned: driving, getting through college and the military, setting goals and following through on them. They spoke of his laughter, his pranks, his determination. 

There were stories that brought tears and laughter. While there was obvious sadness and pain, there was also a thankfulness and joy. Much of the reminiscing was joyful. 

Through it all and ever since that day, I’ve been thinking about what my two daughters might say about me upon my passing. 

In 2014, at our son’s celebration of life, Hannah spoke about the lessons she learned from Wil. She made us laugh as much as she made us weep. Emily chose not to speak, but instead, found a beautiful poem that was read by the celebrant. I talked about living your life- not someone else’s life, not someone else’s dream of a life, but living your life. And with it, making a positive difference in the lives of others. 

But what might Hannah and Emily say about me? What kind of impact- if any- did I have on them? 

It’s important for them to know that I love them fiercely and would head into a fire barefoot if it would benefit them. It’s important for them to know that I’d fight the toughest hombre with bare hands if I could protect them. 

But would they feel that way about me? Did they, would they, recognize that in me- in my words and in my actions? What adjectives might they use to describe me? Hopefully positive ones, meaningful ones.

And as I reflected on that celebration of life and on my upcoming celebration of life whenever it occurs, it occurred to me that if I have doubts about how they see me and how they might remember me, perhaps I need to make sure from this minute forward, that the life I lead, the words I choose, are positive, and loving, and ones that build up, rather than negative and hateful words, and actions that tear down. 

Do I need to change my life, my words, my thoughts, to reflect what is in my heart or am I good to go- in all that those three words imply? Because if not, I need to change now before it is too late. Something to think about … 

Live Your Life, and Make A Difference! 

For My Readers: 

If you like what you’re reading and find a benefit from it, you can check out my other posts on my Website at under the Inspirational Blog tab. You can find all nine books, their descriptions, and links for purchase at the same site. 

Pleases Connect with Me on Social Media



Author Blog

TikTok @josephlewis5566  

Tribal @jrauthor85  


Black Yéʼii (The Evil One) is available for preorder NOW and ONLY at If you purchase Black Yéʼii (The Evil One) prior to the publication date of January 2, 2025, use the promo code: PREORDER2024 to receive a 15% discount. 


For those of you who are interested in receiving a signed copy of Black Yéʼii (The Evil One) or any of my other books, I will have author copies to sell and sign at the Following Upcoming Events: 

Fredericksburg Independent Book Festival on Saturday, Oct. 12 from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM at Riverside Park, 701 Sophia St, Fredericksburg, Virginia. 

Porter Branch Library on Saturday, Nov. 9 from 10:30 AM to 1:30 PM at 2001 Parkway Blvd. Stafford, Virginia. 

Salem Church Library on Saturday, Dec. 7 from 10:30 AM to 1:30 PM at 2607 Salem Church Rd. Fredericksburg, Virginia.

Howell Branch Library on Saturday, Dec. 14 from 10:30 AM to 1:30 PM at 806 Lyons Blvd. Fredericksburg, Virginia.

Or, simply message me and I will get a signed copy to you. 

Intro Photo by Demure Storyteller and Unsplash

Book Cover Photo by David King and Black Rose Writing


Tuesday, September 17, 2024

An Exhale

I think Labor Day is the unofficial start of fall, don’t you think? Yes, I know. The Autumn Equinox is September 22, but I think most of us equate Labor Day as the beginning of fall, since that’s that last of the “vacation weekends” we get for a while. With school beginning for many, it just seems to fit.

Fall might be my favorite season, right there with summer. Football. Henleys, flannel, and sweatshirts. Jeans and sweatpants. Trees shedding their leaves of red, yellow, and rust. Falling gracefully to the ground. The crunch of them under feet. The chill in the morning and evening air. Fires with family and friends. Bowls of chili with cornbread. 

But there’s more to it than that. Or at least I hope there is. 

A writer I met on Substack, Chloe Hope wrote in a recent post, “Fall is an exhale.” A beautiful line and I wish I had written it. I think of fall this way. Perhaps, I always thought of fall this way, but it wasn’t until she capsulated it so nicely for me. 

From the hurried pace of summer with vacations and travel to the quietness of fall, we get to exhale and breathe again. We get to exhale and relax, and with that, we take stock of all that we had done, and where we are going- maybe not right away, but eventually. Soon, but not too soon. 

As the chorus says in the Carole King classic, “Winter, spring, summer or fall …” Fall is at the end, I think, for a reason. It is the ending, an ending, and like Chloe wrote, “Fall is an exhale.” 

But for every ending, there is a beginning, isn’t there? Life doesn’t abruptly end. I mean, yes, eventually we leave this earth and our soul leaves our bodies, but there is still life after we leave, after a loved one has left. The rest of us travel on in our earthly bodies and we live on after one has passed. 

But first, we exhale, we breathe, and we take stock. 

Take stock of where we were, and where we are now. We take stock of what we’ve done, and what we might do next. And if we exhale enough, if we breathe enough, and rest enough, we might find the answers to what we’ve asked ourselves. I mean, after all, this is what “thinking” people do. We think. And after thinking, we feel, and after we feel, we do. (A little Rudolf Dreikurs, for you.) 

Think. Feel. Do. In that order, each time, every time. 

Each of us faces fall, a new season. We take stock, and we exhale. We think, we feel, and then we do. What is it you will think about at the beginning of this new season? What feelings do these thoughts conjure up? And what will these feelings propel you to do? Something to think about … 

Live Your Life, and Make A Difference! 

For My Readers: 

If you like what you’re reading and find a benefit from it, you can check out my other posts on my Website at under the Inspirational Blog tab. You can find all nine books, their descriptions, and links for purchase at the same site. 

Pleases Connect with Me on Social Media: 


Author Blog

TikTok @josephlewis5566  

Tribal @jrauthor85  


Black Yéʼii (The Evil One) is available for preorder NOW and ONLY at If you purchase Black Yéʼii (The Evil One) prior to the publication date of January 2, 2025, use the promo code: PREORDER2024 to receive a 15% discount. 

For those of you who are interested in receiving a signed copy, I will have author copies to sell and sign at the Fredericksburg Fall Festival this Saturday, Sept. 21 from 11:00 AM to 4:00 PM at the Fredericksburg Fairgrounds at 2400 Airport Avenue, Fredericksburg, Virginia. 

I will also be at the Fredericksburg Independent Book Festival on Saturday, Oct. 12 from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM at Riverside Park, 701 Sophia St, Fredericksburg, Virginia. 

Or, simply message me and I will get a signed copy to you. 

As several reviewers wrote about Black Yé’ii (The Evil One):

“On one side, unconditional familial love supported by the camaraderie of law enforcement. On the other? Guns, drugs, and hatred. Black Yé’ii stages an epic battle between good and evil.” Cam Torrens, award-winning author of the Tyler Zahn thriller series.

“The Bottom Line: A must-read small town crime thriller that will please new and old fans.” Bella Wright, Reviewer/Editor

Intro Photo Courtesy of Eric Muhr and Unsplash

Book Cover Designed by David King at Black Rose Writing




Monday, September 2, 2024



When I was in elementary school, I wanted to play pro football and be on the Packers. Jim Taylor and Hank Gremminger were my two favorite Packers back then. Taylor was a hard running, bruising fullback and complemented Paul Hornung, the halfback who doubled as the punter. I liked Taylor’s style and when I played football, I tried to emulate him.

Gremminger was not the most popular defender the Packers ever had. Willie Wood, Herb Adderley and Ray Nitschke were far more popular. But there was something about Gremminger that stuck out to me. I even sent him a letter once, and he was kind enough to answer back. 

In middle school and through high school and early college, I wanted to be a singer-songwriter. I was the drummer and lead singer in a fairly popular local band, but because I did most of the lead vocals, I was moved up front and we got a different drummer for the band. 

I went to a boarding school for high school, sang solos in the school’s music group, and even did some local commercials. The bug hit me when I performed at a charity event and the main attraction, Joe Feeney, the soloist for the Lawrence Welk Show, called me backstage to his dressing room and told me to audition for the show.   

Oh man, I thought I was going big time- even if it was the Lawrence Welk Show. But, I was rejected because my song choice and style didn’t fit their show. Bummer! 

It didn’t stop me, though. I cut demo tapes and sent them to Ampex Recording Studio. I don’t even think they exist any longer. They asked for another demo tape, and then another, but they rejected me too, because I wasn’t writing my own material. Another bummer! 

In my first year of college, I decided I’d major in music to be a choir/chorus teacher. Sadly, I wasn’t interested in or gifted enough to learn six different instruments the major required, so I switched majors, thinking psychology was a good fit for me. That changed, too, since in order to use that major, I would need at the least a master’s degree or a doctorate. I wasn’t interested in pursuing that – yet – although I stayed in social studies and earned a teaching certificate. 

I liked history, especially western history and the civil war, but what I really liked was the possibility of coaching. To be honest, I probably wanted to coach more than teach, but to make a decent living, I had to teach to coach.

I coached and taught for a number of years and the pull of psychology led me to earn a master’s degree in counseling. Eventually, I set aside the teaching and coaching and became a counselor, and I loved it. Probably the best decision I ever made. 

And the worst? I left the counseling office and became an administrator. Discipline. Attendance. Meetings. Paperwork. All of it took me away from kids.

It seemed to be a logical progression, though, and with Kim and me having a young, growing family, the increase in income helped. 

It’s funny how we make life choices. From young and somewhat immature to older, wiser and seemingly more mature. Yet, are those choices satisfying? Do they make us happy? 

The answer for me is no. 

Instead of singing, I write. Nine books published with number ten dropping around the first of the year, but available for preorder well before that, and I’m currently working on number eleven. It fills a void created when I gave up the singing dream. And after twenty-four years as an assistant principal and principal, I semi-retired and went back to teaching part time. Now, I’m finally back to where I was the happiest- as a part-time counselor. 

I think bigger homes and fancier cars and making more money doesn’t always make us happier. It’s like eating frosting without the cake. I should have listened to my heart instead of my head way back when, especially knowing and feeling like I do now that I’m back in the counseling office. Dream big and chase them, but follow your heart. I think you’ll be happier if you do. Something to think about …

Live Your Life, and Make A Difference!

For My Readers: 

If you like what you’re reading and find a benefit from it, you can check out my other posts on my Website at under the Inspirational Blog tab. You can find all nine books, their descriptions, and links for purchase at the same site.  

Pleases Connect with Me on Social Media: 


Author Blog

TikTok @josephlewis5566  

Tribal @jrauthor85  


Here is the cover of my newest book, Black Yéʼii (The Evil One).

This must might be my favorite cover of my books, and I have to thank David King, the design guy for Black Rose Writing, my publisher. I’ve already received significant early reviews for the book, and that obviously makes me happy. Here are a couple:

Black Yéʼii (The Evil One) is a psychological thriller based in a small town in Wisconsin, featuring a group of young men recovering from traumatic events a year ago. Unfortunately, the past is coming back to haunt them, and hunt them down. This thriller features complex characters and relationships that evolve throughout the story, leading to a stunning conclusion. Lewis delivers in this story of police trying to protect the innocents from the evil that is hunting them.”

-        Gary Gerlacher, MD, MBA, author of Last Patient of the NightFaulty Bloodline and Sin City Treachery

“I believe this is my favorite so far! In his latest crime thriller, Black Yéʼii (The Evil One)author Joseph Lewis gets readers’ attention with a shocker of a start — a brutal double murder. He keeps that going as law enforcement works to identify the person who orchestrated this and other violence, especially since it is apparent innocent people, including an acclaimed author and a family of adopted brothers, are in danger. Here is the next, and hopefully, not the last, riveting adventure for the intriguing characters Lewis has created for his books.”

-        Joan Livingston, author of the Isabel Long Mystery Series

“On one side, unconditional familial love supported by the camaraderie of law enforcement. On the other? Guns, drugs, and hatred. Black Yé’ii stages an epic battle between good and evil.”

-        Cam Torrens, award-winning author of the Tyler Zahn thriller series

“Introducing characters both new and old, Black Yé’ii takes on the darkness as it threatens to overcome all that is good. Seamlessly winding culture, commitment, loyalty, and love, Lewis’ newest is an exciting and thrilling addition to his family of reads.

Weaving family and friendship with gangs and murder, Lewis has a flair for packing high-octane action into his world of high school boys, brothers, and small-town Wisconsin. With a personal vendetta and more lives on the line, the suspense jumps from the page as a fabricated truth takes center stage. 

Never one to shy away from action, death, and despair, this latest read brings with it new, yet familiar pulse pounding villains as author Joseph Lewis stuns once again, in this his tenth book.

Jill Rey, Reviewer: For The Love Of The Page Blog  

Here is the synopsis (book blurb) for Black Yéʼii (The Evil One):

The police fabricated a story about the night four members of MS-13 died in a tiny home on a quiet city street almost two years previous. George Tokay and his friends were not supposed to share the secret about what really happened that night. No one was to know the truth. But someone talked, and now MS-13, ruthless and wanting revenge, is back in town, and people are dying.

Can Detectives Graff, O’Connor, and Eiselmann find the killers and put a stop to the killing before anyone else dies?


Fairly soon, Black Yéʼii (The Evil One) will be available for preorder, and I’ll keep you posted.

Photo courtesy of Jamie Handley and Unsplash.