I’ve been on
stage one way or another since fourth grade.
That year, the grade school choir had a concert and I was chosen along
with three others to be in the Wee Four Quartet. We sang barbershop.
In fifth grade,
I was asked to be in the high school musical version of “Bye Bye Birdie” where
I played Randolph McAfee. In sixth,
seventh and eighth grade, I was a soloist for the school choir. In sixth grade, I started a rock n roll band
and that continued through eighth grade.
In high school,
I was a featured soloist in the show choir, Music Explosion, which was a sort
of “Glee” before there was a “Glee.”
It was also in
high school when I sang radio commercials for the boarding school I attended,
and cut several demo tapes for a recording company.
That was my
dream. I wanted to sing and record and
live that life.
However . . .
My parents
talked me out of it. They counseled me,
guided me, and sort of pushed me into choosing a different path. At various points they told me that I “wouldn’t
make it” that I “wouldn’t make a living” and told me that I “had better choose
a career that was more solid.”
My parents told
me I was Chasing A Dream. A dream that
was unattainable.
Did it
hurt? You bet! Do I sort of wonder, even now after all these
years what could have
been . . . what
might have been? Absolutely!
Why do I bring
this up now, so many years later?
I believe kids
are natural dreamers. Kids dream of
being lawyers and doctors and pilots.
Kids dream of being firemen and policemen and football players. Kids dream of being veterinarians and
teachers and politicians. Kids dream of
being singers and dancers and artists.
Kids dream.
I think that as
adults, we owe it to kids to guide and shape their imaginations. I think that as adults, we need to not only
provide nourishment to their bodies and minds, but also provide nourishment to
their heart sand souls.
I think that as
adults, we need to provide a balance between a child’s dream and the reality
they face. That’s a delicate balance
because while we want children to face reality, we cannot . . . we must not . .
. crush their dream.
Truly, I believe
the world needs more dreamers. More
dreamers, not less.
There is a
satisfaction in the pursuit of a dream . . . in Chasing The Dream.
Aren’t we happier
doing what we love? Aren’t we a little
happier pursuing that which speaks to our heart, our soul? Don’t we owe it to our kids to help them find
their way, their path, and their reality without imposing our boundaries . . .
our restrictions . . . on them? Shouldn’t
we help our children Chase The Dream instead of discouraging them?
Sooner or later,
hopefully later, our children will understand the world and the limits of what
they can do, what they can’t do, on their own.
And I believe that on their own is the best way to learn about Chasing
The Dream . . . Their Dream. On their
own. In their own time. We need to allow that to happen. We must allow that to happen. We simply must. Something to think about . . .
Live Your Life,
and Make A Difference!
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