Most of us are
familiar with the story and movie The Titanic. Someone, whether it was the captain or a crew
member, wasn’t paying attention to where it was headed and managed to hit an
iceberg tearing a hole in the hull of the ‘unsinkable ship’. As a result, there was a tremendous loss of
There are many
lessons we can take from this story. One
might be, “there is no such thing as a sure thing.” Another might simply be, “watch where you’re
I’d like to go a
bit deeper.
approximately ten percent of an iceberg is visible and it sits above
water. That which we can see. The really dangerous part, at approximately
ninety percent, sits below the water. That
which we can’t see. As I understand it,
it’s that ninety percent that sunk the Titanic.
Because of my
psychology background, I’m tempted to throw a little Freud at you but I won’t. I don’t think it’s necessary.
But . . .
We’re smart
enough to think of any number of directions we can reference when we picture an
iceberg. In a previous post titled Best
He Had, I talked about how I made a rash judgment of another based upon
what he was wearing at a job fair.
Unfair, unjust, and just plain wrong.
I have no defense except for poor judgment on my part.
This is what our
society teaches- look gorgeous, dress for success, drive this car, wear this
watch or ring or shop at this jewelry store, get on this diet, that diet, eat
this, don’t eat that and on and on.
We are so much
more than the ten percent others see. I’m
so much more than the title I carry, and you are so much more than the title
you carry. We don’t take the time to
stop and see what is below the surface and like the iceberg, there is so much
more to each of us that we don’t see.
Our hopes. Our dreams. What makes us laugh. What makes us cry. What gives us pause. What keeps us awake at night.
We are so much
more than our outward appearance.
And part of this
is our fault because we keep these things buried inside. We don’t share who we are except that tight
circle we keep wrapped around us- if we even do so then. We don’t give others the opportunity to get
to know us, to laugh with us, to cry with us.
We don’t share our hopes, our dreams.
We don’t allow others to be silent with us. We certainly don’t others to know our fears. No, we mustn’t do that.
But . . .
Doesn’t sharing
the fear we have make it less so? Isn’t
it more fun to laugh with someone? Doesn’t
hurt sting less if we have someone who will cry with us or at least, be with us
while we cry? Maybe hold us as we
cry? Isn’t it easier to share a burden
with another? It seems to me that if two
or more people carry a boulder, it is easier to carry. It seems lighter. Magically so.
We are so much
more than . . .
Don’t let society
dictate what you can or can’t, do or don’t, should or shouldn’t. Take the time to show others what sits below our
surface. Help someone discover for him
or herself what sits below their surface.
You, and they, might be pleasantly surprised. It’s better than ripping a hole in the hull
and sinking. Something to think about .
. .
Live Your Life,
and Make A Difference!
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