Friday, March 24, 2017

At What Point Failure?

Don was an older math teacher at a barrio school in Southern California where I was a counselor. A reserved kind of guy, he kept to himself, though he was cordial and got along well with his department and others.

As a counselor, I had lunch supervision duty and Don’s class was in my assigned area of the campus. Any given day, I noticed a steady stream of kids going into and out of his classroom all during lunch. At first, I thought kids had just gathered there, but I was wrong.

I asked Don what was happening and he explained that he didn’t allow his students to fail. No one! Each student could retake a test as many times as they wanted . . . until the student achieved a passing grade. I asked him why and his answer surprised me. Don asked me, “What does an F tell me? Nothing!”

Don had a reputation of high expectations and big demands. Counselors in that district also handled discipline referrals and honestly, I don’t remember ever receiving one from Don. I checked with the principal, who I consider my mentor and friend to this day, and Bill stated that Don was one of the best teachers he had ever worked with. He invited me to do an observation with him, so one day, I joined him.

Kids were busy! Kids taught other kids! There were groups. Don never sat down unless he was with a group going over problems. He moved from one to another and in the 45 minutes (a seven period day) we were there, kids were on task and engaged.

The kids? I recognized kids from three active gangs who were on campus and all of them were rivals. They worked with one another. They taught each other and learned from each other. Don’s philosophy was simple, “Leave the gang crap at the door. We’re here to learn math and that’s what you’ll do.”

The kids in Don’s class didn’t fail. Not one. Each kid progressed to the next level and beyond, and many came back to Don for help or tutoring. Some, just to visit. Don welcomed them all.

I saw an interesting interview with author J.K. Rowling, who spoke about her life and about failure. You can find it here:

There were several comments that stuck out and I’ll do my best to paraphrase: “Rock bottom became the foundation.” “I was rejected, but I never quit.” “Some might say I was a failure.”

J.K. Rowling a failure? Seriously?

In actuality, what author hasn’t been rejected? What manuscript hasn’t been rejected a time or two? William Golding and “Lord Of The Flies” was rejected 20 times. John le CarrĂ©’sThe Spy Who Came in from the Cold” was passed on because le CarrĂ© “hasn’t got any future.”Gone with the Wind” by Margaret Mitchell was rejected 38 times before it was published. Anne Frank’sThe Diary of a Young Girl” was rejected 15 times before it was published.Carrie” by Stephen King was rejected 30 times before it was published.Animal Farm” by George Orwell was rejected because “there is no market for animal stories in the USA.” And of course, J.K. Rowling’sHarry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone” was rejected 12 times and she was told “not to quit her day job.” There are many others.

These authors, like our math teacher, Don, have one thing in common: they never gave up. They didn’t quit on themselves and in Don’s case, he didn’t quit on his kids and he didn’t allow them to quit on themselves.

So I ask you this question, and I think it’s an important one . . . At What Point Failure? And before you answer, I give you a word of caution . . . by quitting now you will never know how close you are to success! I guess there can be failure at some point. Failure might be when we quit. Something to think about . . .

To My Readers:

I just finished my fifth work of thriller/mystery fiction, Caught In A Web and it’s currently being edited. I’ll keep you posted as to when it will be published.

Please feel free to connect with me at:

Twitter at @jrlewisauthor

Facebook at:                      

Amazon at:              

If you like Thriller/Mystery fiction, check out my novels:

Available on Amazon for .99 the Lives Trilogy Prequel, Taking Lives:
FBI Agent Pete Kelliher and his partner search for the clues behind the bodies of six boys left in various and remote parts of the country. Even though they don’t know one another, the lives of FBI Agent Kelliher and two boys become interwoven with the same thread that Pete Kelliher holds in his hand. The three of them are on a collision course and when that happens, their lives are in jeopardy as each search for a way out.

Stolen Lives, Book One of the Lives Trilogy:
Two thirteen year old boys are abducted off a safe suburban street. Kelliher and his team of FBI agents have 24 hours to find them or they’ll end up like all the others- dead! They have no leads, no clues, and nothing to go on. And the possibility exists that one of his team members might be involved.

Shattered Lives, Book Two of the Lives Trilogy:
Six men escaped and are out for revenge. The boys, recently freed from captivity, are in danger and so are their families, but they don’t know it. The FBI has no clues, no leads, and nothing to go on and because of that, cannot protect them.

Splintered Lives, Book Three of the Lives Trilogy:
It began in Arizona with death and it ends in Arizona in death. A 14 year old boy has a price on his head, but he and his family don’t know it. Their family vacation turns into a trip to hell. Out gunned and outnumbered, can this boy protect his father and brothers? Without knowing who these men are? Or how many there are? Or when they might come for him?

Friday, March 3, 2017

Giving Up

Growing up as a kid, each lent called for us to Give Up something. As I recall, my parents were pretty hands off on our decision, because it was our decision. However, each of us had to actually Give Up something.

Some of us cheated. Not a lot, but just a little.

We might look over the TV guide and Give Up watching a night knowing that there wasn’t much on anyway. Some of us Gave Up a dessert, which for me was a difficult one because I have such a sweet tooth.

Lent changed for me as I got older. I’m not sure how I came to it, but I assume it was in high school, maybe in college or beyond, and probably from something I had read or heard.

Instead of Giving Up, I began To Do instead.

Notes to cheer people up. Smile more. Sometimes going through a fast food drive through, I’d pay for the car behind me and drive off before anyone could flag me down. Nothing big, mind you, but something out of the ordinary and perhaps out of my comfort zone.

My reasoning is that Giving Up really was only for me. It didn’t affect anyone else. I realize it’s sometimes good to Give Up something, however I refuse to Give Up bacon or Diet Coke. In fact, if I could IV Diet Coke, I’d be almost in heaven despite all the nasty things I hear diet soda does. I like the taste, so . . .

This year, however, I’m including Giving Up some things for lent. Not your usual things, however.

I came across a post on Facebook that made sense and I thought that if all of us were to Give Up these things, our world collectively and individually would be so much better. It makes me smile just to think about the possibilities.

So this year, instead of this food or that drink, and instead of this TV night or that TV night, I’ve decided to try Giving Up, or to Fast from the following:

·        Fast from hurting words and say kind words
·        Fast from sadness and be filled with gratitude
·        Fast from anger and be filled with patience
·        Fast from pessimism and be filled with hope
·        Fast from complaints and contemplate simplicity
·        Fast from bitterness and fill my heart with joy
·        Fast from selfishness and be compassionate to others
·        Fast from grudges and be reconciled
·        Fast from words and be silent so I can listen

So here’s my challenge to you, each of you both young and old: Give Up and Fast from the above and try the alternative. Honestly and sincerely, I think you’ll like the results. I think we’ll all like the results. And, I think those around us will like the results. All those in favor of Giving Up, smile and nod your head! Something worthwhile to think about . . .

Live Your Life, and Make A Difference!

For My Readers:
Please feel free to connect with me at:

Twitter at @jrlewisauthor

Facebook at:                    

Amazon at:             

If you like Thriller/Mystery fiction, check out my novels:

Available on Amazon for .99 the Lives Trilogy Prequel, Taking Lives
FBI Agent Pete Kelliher and his partner search for the clues behind the bodies of six boys left in various and remote parts of the country. Even though they don’t know one another, the lives of FBI Agent Kelliher and two boys become interwoven with the same thread that Pete Kelliher holds in his hand. The three of them are on a collision course and when that happens, their lives are in jeopardy as each search for a way out.

Stolen Lives, Book One of the Lives Trilogy:
Two thirteen year old boys are abducted off a safe suburban street. Kelliher and his team of FBI agents have 24 hours to find them or they’ll end up like all the others- dead! They have no leads, no clues, and nothing to go on. And the possibility exists that one of his team members might be involved.

Shattered Lives, Book Two of the Lives Trilogy:
Six men escaped and are out for revenge. The boys, recently freed from captivity, are in danger and so are their families, but they don’t know it. The FBI has no clues, no leads, and nothing to go on and because of that, cannot protect them.

Splintered Lives, Book Three of the Lives Trilogy:
It began in Arizona with death and it ends in Arizona in death. A 14 year old boy has a price on his head, but he and his family don’t know it. Their family vacation turns into a trip to hell. Out gunned and outnumbered, can this boy protect his father and brothers? Without knowing who these men are? Or how many there are? Or when they might come for him?

Friday, February 24, 2017

Law And Love

I watched a movie last weekend, Gone Baby Gone, and it had an interesting premise with a nice twist at the end. I can’t write this post without revealing either, so you might want to skip a paragraph or two.

A young girl is taken in the dead of night. Whereabouts unknown. No real leads. The girl's aunt begs a private detective to take the case because he has connections to criminal Boston that the police do not. As the story unfolds, it turns out that the girl’s uncle gave the little girl to a police officer to take care of because the girl’s mother was a crackhead and a dealer. He wanted the little girl to have a future and felt this was the only way she would. He acted out of Love and didn’t follow the Law.

The private detective has a decision to make.

The Law stated that the girl needed to be taken from the policeman and his wife and given back to the girl’s mother. The uncle would be arrested for complicity and the policeman and his wife arrested for kidnapping. This decision, potentially, would cost the little girl a bright and promising future.

Love might be to let the little girl live with the policeman and his wife. Of course, the private detective would have to shut his eyes and live with the fact that the little girl isn’t where she should be, but this decision, potentially, gave a better future to the little girl.

Hmmm . . . Law vs Love.

Tough decision sometimes. Of course, it could and probably should be argued that the most loving thing is to get the little girl back to her mother where “she belongs.” I get that.

As a counselor and now as an administrator, I deal in the world of gray. Nothing is really ever black or white. We do have the Law but sometimes there are circumstances and situations that cause me to think of a better way, another alternative. I’m always reminded by others that “I’m opening up a can of worms” and that “I’m not being consistent” and that “there’s past precedence to consider.” I get that.

But kids are kids and people are people and sometimes . . . most of the time . . . this isn’t a cookie cutter world. Sometimes acting as the “judge” I have to act in the best interest of the child. It isn’t easy and there are times, I admit, that I set myself up as seemingly “unfair” because I’m not treating two similar cases the same way. I get that.

Sometimes it’s just easier to enforce the Law. It’s black and white and there isn’t any gray and I can rest assured that following it, I am being consistent and the Law or code or whatever will be on my side. Not necessarily the most Loving thing to do, but it is following the Law.

Let’s look at another example, a trickier one.

A while back, a couple went to a bakery and ordered a wedding cake. The bakery refused to make one for them because the couple was gay citing their religion as an excuse.

Not knowing exactly what religion we’re talking about, I suppose one can site biblical references and passages that might convince us that the folks who own the bakery are in the right. I guess that’s possible.

But then, we’d have to look at all the biblical references and perhaps enforce the punishment for breaking various Laws that call for plucking eyes out, cutting off hands, flogging and stoning as consequences. Perhaps while we’re at it, if we’re against abortion, we should be against the death penalty, don’t you think? I mean, one life equals one life. The Bible can be confusing that way. In one part, the Old Testament, it calls for “an eye for an eye” whereas in the New Testament, it calls for “turning the other cheek.”

Hmmm . . . Can be confusing, right? Not so black and white, is it?

So, if we’re kicking folks out of our country or if we prevent folks from coming to our country who are fleeing war and death and trying to live in peace and safety, what happens to the biblical references to “Honor thy neighbor as thy brother?”  Or the lesson of the beatitudes (New Testament) dealing with feeding and clothing the poor, and “whatever you do to the least of my brethren you do unto me.” If we enforce one set of rules and one interpretation using biblical reference, then perhaps we need to site them all and use that code and Law to follow. I mean, if we want to be black and white, right?

Or perhaps, we can let Love be the guide.

It’s not ever easy, is it? And, it is something to think about . . .

Live Your Life, and Make A Difference!

For My Readers:
Please feel free to connect with me at:

Twitter at @jrlewisauthor

Facebook at:                   

Amazon at:            

If you like Thriller/Mystery fiction, check out what other readers have said about my novels.
Stolen Lives, Book One of the Lives Trilogy
“Joseph Lewis has created a cast of characters that you grow to care about. Their story is filled with twists and turns that keep you reading. When the book ends you will be left anticipating the next one! This was a story I could not put down!”  “I am really glad I happened to see this Trilogy while looking through my Kindle unlimited series. Great strong characters, especially George and Brett. Looking forward to reading more from this author. Started Taking Lives and immediately turned the pages to get to Stolen Lives.”

Two thirteen year old boys are abducted off a safe suburban street. Kelliher and his team of FBI agents have 24 hours to find them or they’ll end up like all the others- dead! They have no leads, no clues, and nothing to go on. And the possibility exists that one of his team members might be involved.               

Shattered Lives, Book Two of the Lives Trilogy
“I couldn’t put it down, a really good book!” “Great book! I can't wait for next one!” “This book is excellent. The whole series is definitely worth your time.” “Expertly written. I ended up buying all the books in the series and am waiting eagerly for the final installment Splintered Lives."

Six men escaped and are out for revenge. The boys, recently freed from captivity, are in danger and so are their families, but they don’t know it. The FBI has no clues, no leads, and nothing to go on and because of that, cannot protect them.               

Splintered Lives, Book Three of the Lives Trilogy
“Engaging characters you care about. A story that is fast-paced and holds your attention to the point you cannot put it down. Great finish to a great series.”

A 14 year old boy has a price on his head, but he and his family don’t know it. Their family vacation turns into a trip to hell. Out gunned and outnumbered, can this boy protect his father and brothers? Without knowing who these men are? Or how many there are? Or when they might come for him?           

Taking Lives, Prequel to the Lives Trilogy – only .99 cents on Amazon
“Great book by Joseph Lewis. Many twists and turns. Fasted paced.”  “Couldn’t put the book down.”  “Great story can't wait to read the next one!” “Great book! I really enjoyed it. Good author!” “Each character is developed thoroughly, igniting the reader's interest and stirring emotions. The frustration of the detective flows to the reader. The young boys are endearing.”

FBI Agent Pete Kelliher and his partner search for the clues behind the bodies of six boys left in various and remote parts of the country. Even though they don’t know one another, the lives of FBI Kelliher, 11 year old Brett McGovern, and 11 year old George Tokay are separate pieces of a puzzle. The two boys become interwoven with the same thread that Pete Kelliher holds in his hand. The three of them are on a collision course and when that happens, their lives are in jeopardy as each search for a way out.