Friday, October 16, 2015

Comes Down To Choices

"It's snowing still," said Eeyore gloomily.
"So it is."
"And freezing."
"Is it?"
"Yes," said Eeyore. "However," he said, brightening up a little, "we haven't had an earthquake lately."

Pollyanna Whittier to her Aunt Polly: “I'm sorry about the dress, Aunt Polly. My Father said it was a size too big, but that I should be glad it wasn't a pair of boy's trousers.”

Two slightly different ways of looking at things.  Both share a bit of humor.  Both share some insight into the speaker:  his/her heart; his/her frame of mind.

Comes Down To Choices: Pollyanna vs Eeyore.

I’ve always been mostly a “glass half-full” kind of guy and I’d rather be Pollyanna than Eeyore.  I’d rather associate with a Pollyanna than with an Eeyore.  Both can be a bit annoying.  Sometimes a Pollyanna seems to not be mindful of details or problems and can be seen as neglectful of concerns.  But she is passionately optimistic always looking on the bright side of life.  I can’t find much fault in that.

To my way of thinking, an Eeyore brings everyone down.  It is constantly gray skies and raining.  Mostly, it is dark with a sprinkling of doom and gloom and the sky is falling and what else can go wrong thrown in for good measure.  There’s humor, but at some point, it gets on my nerves.  Doesn’t seem to be any way to change their outlook perhaps because they simply don’t want to change their outlook.

Comes Down To Choices.   

In one’s life.  In one’s point of view.  In one’s eyes and in what one chooses to see . . . or not.

I guess this applies to most anything . . . everything . . . in life.  Some of our choices are great and wonderful, while some choices turn out to be pretty lousy.  Almost all choices can always be meaningful in a learning sense.  If one chooses to learn from that choice.

Some of our choices not only affect us, but perhaps more times than not, affect others.  The right or wrong word.  To smile or not.  To encourage or put down.  To recognize or ignore.  To build up or put down.

Comes Down To Choices.

Imagine what it might be like to look on the sunny side of life rather than the dark side of life.  Imagine what it might be like if we simply stopped listening to those who ring the bell of disaster at each hour of the day.  Imagine what it might be like if we took the time to, when faced with an Eeyore, to smile and move on leaving Eeyore with nothing else to say.

It really does Come Down To Choices.  We choose to make a better life for ourselves.  We choose to make a better life for each other.  We choose to make a positive difference in our own life . . . and in the lives of others.  It does Come Down To Choices.  Your choice.  My choice.  Our choice.  Something to think about . . .

Live Your Life, and Make A Difference!

To My Readers:
When I wrote the Lives Trilogy, Stolen Lives, Shattered Lives, and Splintered Lives, some of the comments made to me were, “Does this really happen?” “It just doesn’t seem possible.”  I wrote that series based upon my work as a counselor and based upon my adjunct work with the Jacob Wetterling Foundation for Missing and Sexually Exploited Children.  Yes, the series is a work of fiction.  But unfortunately and tragically, the series is based upon research. 

For instance, please take a look at this article in which the good guys rescue 149 kids, some as young as twelve, from a human trafficking ring.  So in answer to those comments, yes, unfortunately it does happen, and yes, tragically is it possible.

But this series is first and foremost a work of fiction written in the thriller/mystery/suspense and crime genre.  If you like this kind of book, you might want to check out Book One of the Lives Trilogy, Stolen Lives available in both Kindle and paperback, free with Kindle Unlimited on Amazon at

Check out Book Two of the Lives Trilogy, Shattered Lives, also on Amazon in both Kindle and paperback and free with Kindle Unlimited on Amazon at

If you’d like some background into the characters and story, the series prequel, Taking Lives, is also on Amazon in both Kindle and paperback, free with Kindle Unlimited at

Book Three of the Lives Trilogy, Splintered Lives, comes out in November.


Friday, October 9, 2015

A Life Better

“Let no one ever come to you without leaving better and happier.”  Words from Mother Teresa, one of my heroes. 

Made me think of . . .

David.  A young man, who just a few years ago, bravely battled brain cancer.  He had a list of things he had wanted to accomplish:  Prom, Graduation, those things.  So he did.  He and his date attended Prom, though he didn’t stay the entire dance because he got tired and a bit overwhelmed.  We had a special graduation for him and I was able to hand him his diploma.  That same month in 2012, David passed away. 

Always sad when a child leaves us, but I don’t want to focus on that.  Rather, I want to focus on the efforts of individuals to make his life, and those last few weeks of his life, a little happier for him, and for his family.  Efforts to give us all a sense of closure, even though this closure came way too soon.

Made me think of . . .

Michael.  A young man at my previous school.  Graduated with his class, but at the age of nineteen, just three years after his diagnosis, passed away.  Again, far too soon. 

But I don’t want to focus on that.  Rather, I remember a football game.  Michael was a wide receiver, but never got to play because of his illness and how weak he was.  He couldn’t take any hit because the hit would have been lethal.  But, his coach and his teammates knew how important it was for Michael to actually play in a game. 

His coach, Mark, made an arrangement with the other team that on the very first offensive series, on the very first play, Michael would catch his first and only pass- ever- and then step out of bounds.  And that’s what happened.  Michael caught his pass.  Standing ovation, even from the other team.  The cornerback came over to shake his hand.  In return, our senior captain, a big lineman intentionally false started to move the ball back.  It made Michael’s year.  Heck, it made all of our year.  I couldn’t tell you what the final score was.  It didn’t matter.  What mattered was that Michael caught his pass.

And, all of this was brought back to me when I saw this wonderful story on Facebook.  It is worth the three minutes it takes to watch.  Please do so.  This is such a cool story. It does warm the heart and bring tears to your eyes. Happy tears.

In short, a middle school football team from Michigan came up with an idea.  They told no one, not even the coach.  Just the kids.  The goal was to get as close to the goal line as possible without scoring.  A kid broke free and took a knee at the one yard line.  The coach was furious.  So angry.  The next play, the ball is handed off to one of their teammates who didn’t get to play very much if at all, and this boy scored a touchdown with the help of his teammates.
But what was really cute was the kid who told the story was smiling the entire time.  Because it allowed a disabled teammate to score a touchdown.  It allowed a teammate to actually be a real part of the team.

We don’t hear too many stories like this and if we do, far too infrequently.  I believe that what sets humans apart from all other species is our ability to care, to be compassionate, to empathize with the sorrow and pain someone else feels or is going through.  I believe that deep down, we want to help.  Deep down, we’re called to help.  Deep down, we need to help.

And in so doing, we make a difference.  We make a difference for that person.  One brief moment in that person’s life is changed for the better because we cared to change that life for the better.

But just as importantly, we make a difference in our own lives by caring, by being compassionate, by empathizing.  We make a difference in our own lives by reaching out, by lending a hand.  We make a difference, not only in another’s life, but in our own.  Our own.  In the words of Mother Teresa, “Let no one ever come to you without leaving better and happier.”  Maybe we can.  Maybe we should.  Dare to.  Something to think about . . .

Live Your Life, and Make A Difference!  

To My Readers:
If you like thriller/mystery fiction, here is my Lives Trilogy series with current kindle pricing, and all are free on Kindle Unlimited.

Book #1: Stolen Lives $3.99

Book #2: Shattered Lives $5.99

Prequel to the Lives Trilogy: Taking Lives $.99

Book #3: Splintered Lives - Coming in November!

Friday, October 2, 2015

A Failure

In 1885, a twenty-three year old man saw a gas-powered engine and fell in love.  He worked a night shift as an engineer and during the day, he played around with what this engine might be able to do.  By 1986, he built a carriage and showed it to some folks.  He was able to attract some investors, but then things went south quickly, because there were demands for this and demands for that and eventually, the company dissolved. 

But he tried again. 

One financial backer stuck with this young man, but hired someone to oversee him.  You know, someone to look over his shoulder.  This time, the young man called it quits and went off on his own.

Everyone had written him off, but the young man stayed with it.  He caught the eye of another gentleman with a similar interest and agreed to back him, and not meddle.

In 1904, this young man who never gave up his dream, who failed not once, but twice – at least – developed the Model A.  This young man’s name is Henry Ford.

A fairly famous basketball player didn’t make varsity in his sophomore year because he was told he was too short.  He grew four inches between sophomore and junior year, and ended up making the varsity.  As a senior, was a McDonald’s All-American, was a four year starter at UNC, and eventually won an NBA Championship.  His name is Michael Jordan.

These two men are very different from each other, but they share one commonality: at one time in their lives, they were considered to be A Failure.

So I ask you, what is A Failure?

It’s true that both of these men didn’t hit their mark or achieve their goal the first time out.  Perhaps, they didn’t hit their goal the second time out.  But eventually, they sure did.

There was a man named Jim.  Didn’t do very well in high school.  Not very athletic.  Not a member of “the crowd.”  Grades, sub-par.  Actually went to a community college for a semester or so, but didn’t do well.  Went for technical training, but didn’t like the work.  Enlists in the Air Force, serves a hitch in Vietnam.  Comes back home and graduates with honors with a double major in Art and Architecture. 

He starts a company and does okay, but nothing super.  He ends up teaching at a technical college and was one of their most respected and most requested teachers.  He retires and with his wife, opened an RV Park.  Is doing phenomenally well.  So well, in fact, that the park is sold out.

Very proud of my brother, Jim.  Kind of a hero to me.  Certainly someone I look up to.  Proud to have had him as a godfather to both my son, Wil, and my daughter, Emily.

But, was he A Failure?

If we use the same measuring stick as we did with Henry Ford or Michael Jordan, then I guess he would be.  But maybe we need to change the measuring stick.  Maybe we should throw out the measuring stick.

Having been in education for 39 years, and having been a counselor for 11 or so years, I’ve come to the conclusion a long time ago that all kids get it . . . eventually.  It might not be on our time or in our time frame.  It might not our way of doing things.  But I believe that all kids eventually get it.  All kids.

Maybe we shouldn’t judge kids with the same measuring stick.  Maybe we shouldn’t judge kids at all.  Maybe we don’t say that this one failed or that one failed.  Instead, perhaps we should say that he or she didn’t get it . . . yet!  Something to think about . . .

Live Your Life, and Make A Difference!

To My Readers:
Book Three of the Lives Trilogy, Splintered Lives, is in the hands of the publisher, and I was informed that it will be a November release date.  Could be sooner, but I’d plan on November.  I’m really proud of this one.  Ends the story line, but not necessarily the characters.  There will be other books, but not a continuation of this particular theme.  So, look for Splintered Lives, Book Three of the Lives Trilogy in November.

Here is the series with current kindle pricing, and all are free on Kindle Unlimited.

Book #1: Stolen Lives $3.99

Book #2: Shattered Lives $5.99

Prequel to the Lives Trilogy: Taking Lives $.99

Book #3: Splintered Lives - November!

Friday, September 25, 2015

That One Regret

I think we’ve all had one or two along the way.  Sometimes it’s That One Regret that replays over and over in a continuous loop.  Perhaps it’s That One Regret that we lose sleep over, causes us to worry and doubt.  Funny thing about Regrets- they do cause worry and doubt and loss of sleep.

I think Regrets can be broken down into two groups.

There is That One Regret when we do or say something that hurts or harms.  That One Regret that causes another pain or sorrow.  That One Regret is because we acted in a way that goes against the heart and soul of our being.

Sometimes these Regrets occur because we don’t think.  It happens to us . . . all of us . . . from time to time.  “Shooting From the Hip” I think they call it.  Not a lot of thought or consideration, just action.  It’s a mistake on our part that, hopefully, we try to rectify, and it’s a mistake that occurs because we’re human and less than perfect.

Unfortunately, there are Regrets of intention.  Sometimes we aim to hurt, to lash out, to cause pain. 

To me, these kinds of Regrets are not a mistake at all.  These Regrets are purposeful and calculated, and just plain wrong.  As hard as we might try, these Regrets last a long, long time.  Perhaps lifetimes- yours and the person who was wronged.  The old adage, “I may forgive, but I don’t forget” comes to mind.  And sometimes, these kinds of Regrets aren’t very forgivable.

Then there is That One Regret that is a lost opportunity.  The Regret where we could have said or done something.  The Regret where we should have said or done something.  But we didn’t.

Happens to all of us at one time or another.  We are, after all, human, right?

Too busy.  Not enough time.  Don’t know what to say.  Don’t know what to do.  Perhaps too much of an effort.  Wanting to argue and make a point instead of listening.  And just like the Regrets of Intention, the Regrets of Opportunity hurt us . . . and they hurt the one we could have helped. 

The difference between the two types of Regret is that the Regret of Intention is a choice to hurt or harm, and perhaps we don’t care that we hurt or harmed.  Whereas anyone with a soul or a heart or a conscience recognizes the Regret of Opportunities precisely because we are human- we have a soul and a heart and a conscience.  And this lost opportunity truly does hurt us as much, perhaps more, than the other person.

And, I think it’s these Regrets of Opportunity that cause us to “should on ourselves” and cause us to lose sleep, and cause us to worry.  These Regrets of Opportunity cause us, hopefully, to resolve to do better next time, to make it up to the individual somehow, someway.  If we have a heart, and a soul, and a conscience in good working order, we do resolve to do better next time.  Don’t we?  Something to think about . . .

Live Your Life, and Make A Difference!

To My Readers:

If you like thriller/mystery fiction, and are looking for a series with action and with characters that have heart, check out my Lives Trilogy.  Here is the series with current kindle pricing, and all are free on Kindle Unlimited.

Book #1: Stolen Lives $3.99

Book #2: Shattered Lives $5.99

Prequel to the Lives Trilogy: Taking Lives $.99