Friday, April 3, 2015

Leave A Memory

Sometimes I’m amazed that when one of the “oldies” comes on the radio, I can remember every word.  I can even harmonize with the melody. 

The other day, Neil Young’s version of Four Strong Winds came on one of the satellite stations I have my car radio tuned to and without a hiccup, sang along with the melody and at points, harmonized.  I had never heard Neil Young’s version before, and didn’t particularly care for it actually, preferring the Brothers Four version from back in the ‘60s. 

But that’s just one example of one song.  There are others, and the same can be said about movies.  There are times I can recite the dialogue along with the actors on screen.  Of course, my wife will say my mind is filled with useless trivia, but I contend that it’s at least filled with something besides sawdust.

Same can be said with old friends – not the brain filled with sawdust part. 

Aren’t there people in your life, longtime friends, who, when you get together after a long period of not seeing them, fall into the same patterns and pick up as if it were only yesterday? 

As I write this, I thought of Jack and Natalie who we haven’t seen in years until this past Christmas vacation, or one of my students, Steve, who came to a benefit in my son’s name this past October.  I hadn’t seen him in about thirty years, and it was like old times.  I have to mention Tom and Carol, (though Tom has passed away this past August) and their son, Jarret and his wife, Allie.  We see them and it’s like we’ve seen them just yesterday or the day before, though in reality, it has been years . . . too long, really.  Dan and Jenny, others.  Many others.

I read a post on Facebook Huck wrote on my son, Wil.  It was beautifully and powerfully written, full of detail and memories the two friends had with each other, the love they shared for each other, the friendship that was cemented together.  Though it was about Wil, it didn’t cause sadness, but instead, brought a smile.  I remember nodding my head as I read it and thinking, ‘Wil left a memory.’  For Huck, for me, for my family, for a whole lot of others.  A very nice memory.

And thinking about Wil, or Tom and Carol, or Jarret and Allie, or Steve, or Dan and Jenny, or any number of others, always brings me a smile and raises up in me a good feeling.  Thinking about them lifts me up.

Just like hearing an oldie.  I listen to a song and it propels me back in time to a place and with people and it creates a warm, good feeling.  It causes a smile and it lifts me up.  Hopefully, the same thing happens to you in that a song or a memory of someone brings a smile to your face, your eyes, and lifts you up.

Made me consider . . .

Just as I think of Tom and Carol, Steve, Jack and Natalie, Jarret and Allie, Dan and Jenny, what kind of memory do they have of me? 

Just as when a certain oldie comes on the radio, when someone thinks of me, do I lift them up?  Do I cause a smile?

Because in each life we touch, each person we come into contact with, certainly with the kids we teach or with the colleagues we work with, even those in our own families, we Leave A Memory.

Be it good or bad, happy or sad, leaving us wanting more or perhaps, wanting less, we Leave A Memory.  So I ask you just as I asked myself, what kind of memory are you leaving for those whose lives you touch?  How will they think of you in a year, ten years, many years down the road?  Is it the kind of memory you’ll be proud to leave?  Or, is it the kind of memory you’d rather them forget.  Something to think about . . .

Live Your Life, and Make A Difference!

For My Readers:

I can’t tell you how thrilled I am at the reception my three books are receiving- thank you!  When I wrote and published the first one, there were two thoughts that went through my mind: would anyone buy it? and would anyone like it?  I guess the answer to both is a resounding “Yes!”  So thank you.

But I have to say that the prequel, Taking Lives, didn’t have the rigor applied to it by the editor that it should have received, and for that, I apologize.  My name is on it and I take responsibility.  But I want you to know that the editor that was used on that book is no longer being used.  A different editor, a much better editor, was used on book one of the Lives Trilogy, Stolen Lives and the same editor was used on book two of the Lives Trilogy, Shattered Lives.  I think you’ll be pleased as you read them.  I do hope that Taking Lives didn’t/doesn’t detract you from reading Stolen Lives and Shattered Lives.  I think all three serve a purpose: to bring to light a problem in our society, and just as importantly, tell a story of kids with heart and courage.


Friday, March 27, 2015

Three Thoughts

This week's message is short and sweet.  I wanted to leave you with three thoughts that are not my own, but I like the sentiment expressed in them.  These are things that perhaps we might think about, but not really consider closely. 

They are:

"Everyone makes mistakes in life, but that doesn't mean they have to pay for them the rest of their life.  Sometimes good people make bad choices.  It doesn't mean they are bad.  It means they are human."  Unknown (at least to me)

"Do all the good you can, By all the means you can, In all the ways you can, In all the places you can,
At all the times you can, To all the people you can, As long as ever you can."  John Wesley

"Always end the day with a positive thought.  No matter how hard things were, tomorrow's a fresh opportunity to make it better."  Unknown (at least to me)

I think these three statements are related in that if we make mistakes, and we all do, if we recognize this, we can still "do good" by any and all means possible to help those who have made mistakes and who have fallen, and to remind them that they, like we, are human.

And if we remember that each day brings a new morning, we can begin again.  We can start over and do better.  All of us has this opportunity open to us.  Let's take advantage of it instead of just pushing play-repeat-play over and over again.  Each of us gets a "do over" and we need to allow others to receive a "do over" also.  It isn't a luxury for just a few.   Something to think about . . .

Live Your Life, and Make A Difference!

To My Readers:
Book Two of the Lives Trilogy, Shattered Lives, is now available on Amazon.  It carries the reader forward from the prequel, Taking Lives, and book one of the Lives Trilogy, Stolen Lives.  All three can be found on Amazon.

The publicity blurb I use for Shattered Lives is as follows:
Everyone thought the boys were safe, and they were. That is, until people began dying. Some of the men responsible for the boys’ captivity escaped and without any leads, the FBI can only wait. A dangerous strategy when it involves the lives of the kids and their parents. Continue the journey that began with the prequel, Taking Lives, and book one of the Lives Trilogy, Stolen Lives, with book two, Shattered Lives.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Letter To Me

In October of 2007, Brad Paisley wrote a song titled, “Letter To Me” and it became one of his many hits.  As typical of Paisley, his lyrics are at times poignant and at other times comical; at times sentimental and at other times a warning, mostly encouraging. 

He wrote this letter (song) to his seventeen year old self, an interesting time in adolescence when kids wrestle with who they are or who they might be, and who they might become.  It is a time when there are golden dreams and harsh realities, when sometimes a gentle hand is followed by a not so gentle smack on a butt, because it seems that both are needed every now and then: a gentle hand to let them know we care about them and love them, and a smack on the butt to, well, let them know we care about them and love them.  Personally, I prefer the gentle touch over a smack anytime.

During one of our recent snow days when school was closed, I watched Good Morning America and on it was a very nice segment that dealt with a before and now with the hosts of the show.  A picture of a time long ago appeared next to a picture of near present day, and the host talked about what they might tell their younger self if they had the opportunity. 

Robin Roberts counseled her younger self not to take herself so seriously, that things would turn out in the end, and to be patient with herself, that we aren’t made to be perfect, because mistakes will happen, do happen.  George Stephanopoulos advised everyone that the bumblebee striped Rugby shirt he wore in his younger self picture is now out of style, which drew a laugh from his co-hosts, and he went on to advise his younger self that what seems important at that time might not be so important now, and to make sure to take the time to smile and laugh more.

Letter To Me.

Even though it has been about two weeks since that GMA segment, it made me think.  Probably even more since I heard Paisley’s song a couple of times since that segment.

What would I say to myself should I be given the opportunity to write a Letter To Me?

Hmmm . . .

I think I might begin by telling myself to enjoy my hair while I have it, because it will become much less and change from the dark brown to gray- that is, the little amount of hair I actually end up with.  I might tell myself to enjoy and take care of the body I had then, because it becomes all too easy to reach for the second (or third or fourth) cookie, and to sit more than it is probably good for me to do.

But more importantly, I would tell myself to watch my dad more often, to listen to him more often- though he really wasn’t given to too many words.  I would tell myself to be more patient with my mom because she did the very best she could, given her life and her circumstances. 

I would tell myself that those who are near and dear to me will one day leave: some because they might take a different path, some because they might not have the need to have me in their life anymore, and some because they pass away.  Too many pass away.  So, appreciate them while they are in your life at that moment, in that time, and never ever be afraid to express that appreciation with words or actions.

Like George, I would tell myself to smile and laugh more.  Like Robin, I would tell myself to be patient because mistakes do and will happen, sometimes at inconvenient and inopportune times.  But I would also tell myself to never be afraid of mistakes because it means that I’m trying, that I’m doing, and that I’m actively involved in life rather than being just a passive spectator.

Like Paisley, I’d tell myself that, the girl I thought I loved is nothing, absolutely nothing, because I will end up marrying my best friend, and that I will have three wonderful children with her.  Like Paisley, I’d tell myself that, “You've got so much up ahead; You'll make new friends; You should see your kids and wife, And I'd end by saying have no fear, These are nowhere near the best years of your life . . . And oh you got so much going for you going right; But I know at 17 it's hard to see past Friday night . . . I wish you wouldn't worry, let it be; I'd say have a little faith and you'll see; If I could write a letter to me; To me.”  Something to think about . . .

Live Your Life, and Make A Difference!

To My Readers:
Great News!  Shattered Lives, the second book of the Lives Trilogy, will be available on Amazon in eBook form on Friday, March 20, and in paperback shortly thereafter.  It continues the storyline and journey that began with the prequel, Taking Lives, and with the first book of the Lives Trilogy, Stolen Lives. 

If you are interested in taking this journey with me, you can find Taking Lives at
