Friday, January 23, 2015

Ask, Seek, Knock

Ever go through Target or Walmart or a grocery store and watch a battle ensue between a parent and a child over an “I want . . .”?  There might be some reasoning that takes place. There might be an explanation as to why he/she can’t have . . . There might be some ignoring.  And sometimes, inevitably, there might be tears and a tantrum.

Way back when Hannah was three or four, she and Kim were grocery shopping and at some point in one of the aisles, Hannah asked for something, Kim said no, and Hannah threw a tantrum.  Kim’s response, which is pretty typical for her, was that she looked at Hannah, began to laugh, and said, “What are you doing?” and then walked away.  The result?  Tears stopped, tantrum stopped, and from that point forward, Hannah learned that she can ask and at times it will be yes, and at other times it will be no, and that’s the end of it.  Can’t say that would do it for other kids and parents, but it worked for us.

At Wil’s memorial service, Hannah gave a eulogy and she talked about three things she had learned from Wil.  The first was that if you want something a whole lot, or if you want to go somewhere special, you would clean the house and do some “extra” chores to “butter up” Kim and/or me.  And if the work was too much, the second thing she learned was to enlist the help of his sisters, Hannah and Emily, by bribing them with ice cream.  Now, Kim and I weren’t privy to Wil’s “plan” but we did suspect that a fourteen or fifteen year old kid doesn’t clean the house out of the goodness of his heart just because he felt like it.  Yes, we did know something was up, but we played along and sometimes it was a yes and at other times it was a no.  And, the house got cleaned too!

Ask, Seek, Knock.

Those three words have come to mean a lot to me throughout my life.  They come from a Bible verse, Matthew 7:7.  Whether or not you ‘believe’, that particular verse brings much comfort and a whole lot of hope, and I find myself at many times in the course of a week, even a day, reflecting upon it.

Those three words, Ask, Seek, Knock, are action verbs.  They certainly aren’t passive, not by any means.  In fact, they almost sound like commands.  Each is a different action and each has a different meaning.

Kids Ask parents and adults for things all the time.  Sometimes they want an answer to something that is puzzling them.  Sometimes they want reassurance.  And sometimes, the answer isn’t quite what he or she might want to hear, but there is an answer nonetheless.  Adults Ask other adults for this or that, and sometimes it is a yes and sometimes it is a no.  And sometimes, like kids, adults Ask for reassurance from those who can give it.

There are other times when we go searching for something.  We might look in the wrong place, at the wrong time, but we Seek.  It is active.  We pursue it.  Sometimes we might find what it is we are looking for, but at other times, we don’t because sometimes, what we seek is elusive, isn’t there, or not exactly where we are searching for it.

And then there are times when we buck up and Knock.  Now to me, the only way we can Knock is to leave our turf, our own comfort zone.  To Knock means that I meet someone else on his or her own turf, not my own.  At that point, we are invited in, but at other times, we might be turned away.  After we Knock, we can Ask, we can Seek, and like what I had stated previously, the answer at times might be yes, while at other times it might be no, and we might find what we’re searching for, but at other times we might not.

But to Ask, Seek, or Knock means that WE must DO.  WE must ACT.  The onus is on us.  WE are the DOER.  It is not done to us. 

And there is some level of satisfaction in that.  We have the power, the control over our own actions, our own words, over our own wants and needs.  We are acting, not passively existing.  Fearful at times?  You bet!  Frustrated at times?  Absolutely!  But if we never Ask, we won’t ever have an answer.  If we never Seek, we will never find.  And if we don’t Knock, that door will never be opened.  Not ever.  Something to think about . . .

Live Your Life, and Make A Difference!

To My Readers:
I know I sound like a broken record, but from the very bottom of my heart, I want to thank you for choosing to not only read my posts on my blog, but I want to thank the many of you who took a chance on an unknown, rookie writer and read my two novels, Taking Lives and Stolen Lives.  Currently on one Amazon list, and there are many, Taking Lives sits at #3 and Stolen Lives sits at #4.  The reviews have been wonderful and I thank you for taking the time to read, rate and review each.  For those of you who like thriller fiction, my books can be found on Amazon.  There links are as follows:



Friday, January 9, 2015

Cattle, Sheep, and Shepherd

While I might have grown up in the country next to a river for much of my youth, and while I lived, taught, and coached for five years in Wyoming and Nebraska, I am a city slicker at heart and by nature.  Picture Billy Crystal without being the comedian and you’ve pegged me, though I have to admit I’ve done my share of really stupid, boneheaded stuff along the way that would qualify as rather comedic.

For example, I inadvertently started a stampede that wiped out a lot of electric fence and scattered a herd of cattle for a mile or so.  My employers were not happy, but their kids got a kick out of it.  I single-handedly killed a field of corn, but part of that is the employer’s fault.  You see, I had never, ever driven a tractor in my life, and one day, they wanted a field plowed.  They set me on a tractor, showed me how to drive it, and away I went . . . along with many rows of corn because I had difficulty driving forward while looking back over my shoulder.  In any case, the field was a mess.

But in the three summers I worked for that family, they taught me about cattle and sheep.

Cattle, like other animals, are not led.  They are herded from the sides and from behind.  Slowly.  Stick a bull in front, point it in the right direction, and the cattle follow as long as a rider rides on each side and another one or two ride drag (bringing up the rear).  Riding drag really is a drag.  It’s dusty and dirty.  Guess where they put me?

Sheep, like some animals on the other hand, are led.  Sheep by nature aren’t really all that smart.  They follow their appetite- literally.  Head down, munching away on grass, they will traipse all over a hillside or field as they eat, not watching where they’re headed, which is why one or two can be easily lost.

Which brings us to the Shepherd.

A solitary job.  A lonely job.  It begins early in the morning and can run all day and into the night.  Sometimes, a full twenty-four hours or longer.  A Shepherd can be about as attractive as riding drag on a cattle drive.  Not a lot of folks clamoring for either job.

But a Shepherd is valued nonetheless.  The Shepherd’s job is to protect from natural predators, such as coyotes or wolves, and unnatural predators, such as a rustler.  The Shepherd’s job is to keep track of the sheep and make sure one or two don’t wander off or stray too far away.

Which leads me to this week’s thought . . .

I think there is value in all three roles: Cattle, Sheep, and Shepherd.  All three roles have a purpose.  At times, each day, sometimes at different times of the day, I think each of us find ourselves in one of these roles.

Like cattle, some are content to move along with the herd, to follow and trust that whomever is in front knows where he or she is headed.  There is guidance, of course, from the side or behind, but the herd moves along at a leisurely pace and it arrives at a destination, hopefully pleasant, where it they will be taken care of.

Like sheep, some are content to be led.  Some have the need to be protected.  Some are rather skittish and it takes time before there is trust, respect, and knowledge that whomever is watching over them has their best interests at heart.

And like the Shepherd, there are some who want to protect, to nurture, to watch out for flock.  There is risk involved in being the Shepherd, because it can be and often is, lonely. 

So I think we can take solace in the fact that at times, it’s okay to follow.  There is peace.  It’s relaxing and we’re moving along with the rest, trusting that we’re all safe and together.  And I think we can take solace in the fact that at times, it’s okay to be led.  There is comfort knowing that someone is watching over us, protecting us, has our best interests at heart.  And, I think that at times, we can take solace in the fact that, like the Shepherd, we watch over, and protect, and comfort, and care for one another.  I think that’s our nature, our purpose.  Perhaps.  Something to think about . . .

Live Your Life, and Make A Difference!

To My Readers:

I received some wonderful news from my publisher.  My book, Taking Lives, the prequel to my Lives Trilogy, ended up #84 for the year 2014 on UBAWA’s List of Top 100!  Thank you for taking a chance on it and giving it a read.  Taking Lives introduces me to you, and introduces you to the trilogy.  It is a taste, a beginning, and it doesn’t have a very satisfying conclusion- because I didn’t intend for it to have a satisfying conclusion.  That is where the first book of the trilogy, Stolen Lives begins.  It begins two years after the last scene in Taking Lives and brings you to a resolution.  I hope you give both a chance and give them a read.  Thank you to those of you who have already.


Saturday, December 27, 2014

Being Before Doing

Being Before Doing


I’ve written before that Mother Theresa has been, is, and will be one of my heroes.  Selfless, humble, sincere, honest.  She gave her life to the poor of India and in so doing, brought awareness and opened hearts to those individuals who had and have less, live with little, and perhaps hunger for more than just food.


Father Damien or Saint Damien of Molokai is another.  You might remember him for his ministry to people with leprosy (also known as Hansen's disease), who had been placed under a government-sanctioned medical quarantine on the island of Molokai.  After sixteen years caring for the physical, spiritual, and emotional needs of those in the leper colony, he eventually contracted and died of the disease.


Flash forward to present day and those who volunteer to travel to parts of Africa to help those who are suffering and dying from the Ebola virus.  Courageous men and women who, despite the possibility of contracting the disease themselves, they carry on, toil, and give aid and comfort to those who are most vulnerable.  And in that vulnerability, they risk their own health, welfare and well-being.


What is it that Mother Theresa, Father Damien, and the doctors and nurses and other care-givers in Africa have that I . . . we . . . don’t have?


This summer just before the new school year started, I was given a book, The Joshua Code, written by Dr. O. S. Hawkins.  It is a weekly meditational book that gives a verse of scripture and an explanation of it using everyday life examples.  There is a chapter in the book that is titled, Being Comes Before Doing.


Interesting concept: Being Before Doing.


It is similar in nature to a concept I learned in graduate school while pursuing my degree in Counseling taught by one of my professors and theorized by psychologist Alfred Adler, who believed that humans use a progression of Think, then Feel, and then Do.  In that specific order.


Being Before Doing.  Think, Feel, Do.


In very simple layman terms- I am no expert and will never claim to be- I believe that Mother Theresa, Father Damien, and the volunteer caregivers in Africa have a sense of being that they are only a part of the web of life.  They, while small, and perhaps insignificant of and by themselves, together with others, play a large part in the betterment of life, of mankind.


Mother Theresa said it much better than I can: “I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.”


But before Mother Theresa cast the stone to cause a ripple, she and Father Damien and the others had to have had a belief, a sense of being, a sense of purpose to make it possible to cast a stone.  They had to have come to the realization that a bigger purpose, a bigger reason exists to make them want to cast a stone.  They had to have come to the realization that they are a part of the web of life, a part of humanity.  And they saw that they had, and have, a responsibility to make life, and humanity, better. 


They had to have come to the realization that giving something to get something does not have a purpose except to satisfy self.  And we’ve all known, and know, individuals who will do and say something to get something, and when they get that something, they leave.  Their “getting” doesn’t help the receiver very much, if at all.


So I ask you, what stone will you cast today, and what ripples will you cause?  And beyond that, and perhaps the first consideration should be to ponder the reason and purpose for casting the stone.  Because in the end, as Adler states, we Think, then Feel, and then Do.  Or as Hawkins writes, Being Comes Before Doing.  Something to think about . . .


Live Your Life, and Make A Difference!


To My Readers:

I am humbled by the fact that my two books, Taking Lives, the prequel to my “Lives Trilogy” and Stolen Lives, the first book in the trilogy, have not strayed far from the top ten on several of’s lists.  Thank you!  When I put those books out there, my first thought was, ‘Is anyone going to buy them?’ followed shortly thereafter with, ‘Is anyone going to like them?’  Happily, and very humbly, folks like you are buying them and seem to like them, judging by the reviews.  So again I say very sincerely, Thank You!








Thursday, December 18, 2014

Joy, Midst Grief

As a high school principal, I get to watch some of the most heartwarming and wonderful things take place among my staff and students.  It is both humbling and inspiring, and quite honestly, I don’t have much to do with it.  Nothing, really.  It comes from the creative souls and generous giving hearts of those around me.

For example . . .

The Master Chief in our JNROTC program has quietly, for the past four or five years, organized the Cookie Project.  Cookies of all sorts are donated.  We’re talking huge quantities of all kinds of cookies, the amount and quantity that might induce a diabetic coma should you enter their door.  Six cookies are collected and placed into a container, and then all the containers are taken to area Rest Homes and Retirement Communities.  The beauty?  No one knows this is actually going on except the JNROTC Officers, the cadets, and their parents.  When asked why the newspaper wasn’t contacted or even our own school newspaper not notified, Master Chief stated that, “Sometimes, you do things because it is good to do good!”  People who might not receive anything this holiday season will get something, and more importantly, they will be remembered when perhaps they might not have been.

For example . . .

Our School Social Worker placed a small tree in the staff workroom.  The tree was decorated with paper ornaments, but not just any ornaments.  Each ornament listed an item from a needy family’s wish list, and the wish list came from five or six needy families, all anonymous- unknown by name to our faculty.  Our faculty and staff would then pick an ornament and purchase the item for the family.  The wonderful thing that took place was that the ornaments lasted perhaps a day and a half, and some folks were disappointed that they couldn’t get an ornament for the family.  Bicycles.  Books.  Dolls.  You name it, our staff bought it.  The family that is our staff will bring joy to families who might otherwise go without.

For example . . .

One of our teachers organizes the yearly food drive that is sponsored by the American Legion. In the past, this drive fed holiday dinners for approximately 300 families from our county.  These are families who would not be able to afford or provide a meal that most of us take for granted.  300 families!

And then . . .

This year, this Christmas season is a very real struggle for my family, for me.  We’ve decorated the house.  Kim will make cookies.  Presents will be wrapped and placed under the tree.  We’ll celebrate our Christmas as a family and then make the trek to Wisconsin to celebrate with our extended family.  Yet, the shadow and specter of my son’s death, which occurred just five months ago, shrouds what is typically a very special, happy time of year for us.  However, there have been wonderful, supportive staff members, even students, who check in on me to make sure I’m doing alright.  They acknowledge that it is tough going, but they offer support and I know they are there if needed, wanted.  And I’m so thankful to them, for them.  They are so appreciated.  And they do this for other folks like me, who have suffered a loss and are suffering quietly.  This staff is family to me.  While there are disagreements and squabbles- like most families- we care about one another and it shows in so many ways.

So there is balance. 

On one hand, joy and giving and acts of kindness without the expectation of recognition.  On the other hand, sadness- not just for my family and me- but for countless, nameless others who will go without, others who walk in pain and wear it like a cloak, others whose heart aches from suffering that goes, perhaps, unnoticed.

Joy, Midst Grief.

So I do ask you to do one thing:

As you celebrate your season, your holiday, your Christmas, absolutely and totally love those around you, those who are precious to you, and let them know, show them, that you love them, care for them.  I’ve learned that life is too short.  The unexpected, and sometimes the unwanted, happens.  Don’t let a day, an hour, a minute go by without telling and showing those who are important to you that they are important to you.  You can’t take their love for granted.  They can’t, and shouldn’t, take your love for granted.  Spend your time, and your love, wisely.  Something to think about . . .

God Bless Each of You, and May Each of You Have Peace and Joy this Christmas Season!
From My Family: Kim, Hannah, Emily and Me.  And from Maria, and yes, Wil, too!

Live Your Life, and Make A Difference!

To My Readers:

Thank you for purchasing and reading Taking Lives, the prequel to my trilogy, and for purchasing and reading Stolen Lives, the first book of the trilogy.  If they made you uncomfortable and perhaps kept you up at night, I guess I did my job.  But more than that, I hope I gave you a glimpse of the hope and the courage that can be found in our humanness.  I hope you caught a glimpse of the friendship, the caring and compassion, and the love that exists in our humanness.  If you did, then I know I did my job.

You can find Taking Lives by Joseph Lewis on and at this link:

You can find Stolen Lives by Joseph Lewis on and at this link:
