Last October,
one of my nephews commented that he reads my blog and that he liked it. Then he asked, “How do you come up with this
stuff? Do you just think about stuff and
it comes out?”
I didn’t really
have an answer to that question, and to be honest, I still don’t.
The closest approximation
for an answer is that things come to me.
A Blank Page sits in front of me and a thought occurs and I write it
down. I edit like crazy. I rewrite and I polish. And still there are times when after I hit
the “publish” button, I look back and say to myself, “I could have said it
better. I could have said it this way
But it all
starts with A Blank Page.
As I said, a
thought occurs and I write it down.
Might be from something I had heard along the way. Many times it comes from something I had
read. I do much of my first and second
drafts in my head. I call it
prewriting. Some might call it
thinking. However it occurs, it
percolates and rattles around until it’s time to write and fill up that Blank
There are some
pages that are better than others. Some
pages resonate better with the reader.
That’s okay, because the purpose of any writing is to entertain, to make
one pause, to make one consider and think.
Hopefully, to help someone look at life and live life a bit differently,
a bit more positively.
I think it comes
down to this . . .
We’re all faced
with A Blank Page from time to time, and perhaps, more times than we recognize,
than we realize.
A friend’s son
just got married. One of Emily’s friends
heads off to college today. Hannah heads
back to school on Tuesday. Teachers and
students fill classrooms shortly, while some already have. Several of my teachers don’t head back to the
classroom because they entered retirement.
Em has her first soccer tourney of the year today. Hannah’s last work day at the pool was last
evening. Several of my writer friends
have a book launch coming up. There are
so many other beginnings and starts.
All Blank
Pages. Ready for the first words to be
written. Our words. Your words.
Each morning is
A Blank Page fresh and clean and waiting for your first words. Each morning is A Blank Page waiting for you
to act, to react, to write, to speak, to do.
A fresh beginning. A new start.
What’s nice
about A Blank Page is that it can be edited, changed, rewritten.
Life, all of
life, can be edited, changed and rewritten.
We’re not stuck. Really we’re
not. Just hit the back space. Each of us has that opportunity each morning,
each day, and many times during the day.
Just hit the back space and edit and rewrite.
I think the key
to any Blank Page is to not waste the opportunity as it presents itself.
Sometimes an
opportunity, the right opportunity, the best opportunity only comes about
once. Don’t waste it, especially when it
comes to those who you love, who are near to you, who need your presence, your
touch, your ear. Those who sometimes
need your silence. Faced with your Blank
Page, what will you do with it?
Hmmm? Up to you . . . to waste or
not. Your words. Your story.
Your life. Something to think about
. . .
Live Your Life,
and Make A Difference!
Fellow Readers:
Thank you for
taking a shot and spending 99 cents on my debut novel, Taking Lives. I appreciate it. I might be biased, but I like the story and I
like the characters. Sorry about the
ending. Okay, not really (he says with a
grin). It sorta, kinda had to happen
that way. You’ll just have to continue
the journey as it unfolds to find out what happens next.